Pamela Stewart Counselling and Psychotherapy

You may wonder what the difference is between counselling and psychotherapy

Both are ways to looking at your life and thinking about why you feel and relate in particular ways; often ways which are painful and do not make you happy.

Counselling can address more practical struggles while psychanalytic psychotherapy delves deeper exploring more unconscious patterns. There is an overlap between psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling. Central to both is the importance of the therapeutic relationship.

  • Have you ever wondered about times when you trip yourself up? Do you sabotage your own growth and personal development?
  • Perhaps undermine yourself?
  • Do you wonder why you keep suffering and want your life to be different?

Yet to change is often so frightening and difficult.

Psychoananlytic psychotherapy provide a space for thinking about ways we sabotage ourselves.

Through this special conversation, of speaking with a person who is not part of your daily life, a perspective can be gained which helps understanding.

Instead of repeating old, painful and destructive patterns - new ways of relating become possible. Understanding replaces blame.

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